Projects - App Masters - Web and Mobile Software Development - Brazil

Our Projects Done

Client projects

Some projects are under NDA so they cannot be listed.
  • Enoteca Mundi
    Enoteca Mundi(Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)

    Enoteca Mundi

    An app that brings together hundreds of educational content, entertainment, and information exchange for wine enthusiasts. The "Netflix" of the wine world.

    FISNI(Flórida, USA)


    A tool designed to scale FISNI's operations by automating communications and integrating essential services into a single digital environment.

  • Breakout Platform
    Breakout Technologies(Raleigh, USA)

    Breakout Platform

    Breakout is a platform that offers live streaming and recording solutions as well as an on-demand video repository for scientific associations' meetings.

  • Breakout App
    Breakout Technologies(Raleigh, USA)

    Breakout App

    Breakout Desktop App is a multi-platform application that allows computers to perform screen recordings automatically and manage presentations remotely.

  • BetterPoster
    Breakout Technologies(Raleigh, USA)


    BetterPoster is a digital poster solution to showcase scientific publications in associations’ gatherings and conventions developed by App Masters for Breakout Technologies Inc

  • LaunchPad
    Warp Speed Technologies(Raleigh, USA)


    LaunchPad is a presentation management software for organizing and monitoring multiple presentation screenings in different rooms simultaneously.

  • Phormar Mobile
    Phormar(Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brasil)

    Phormar Mobile

    An Android and iOS app focused on managing graduation funds, bringing together modern technology to the engagement of graduates and the organization of graduation-related events.

  • Export Connect
    Getting to Global(Montreal, Canada)

    Export Connect

    A platform that brings together the tools and resources from companies in the process of internationalization.

  • Vacine Map
    Juiz de Fora City Hall(Juiz de Fora/Brazil)

    Vacine Map

    A web platform that brings citizens closer to the COVID-19 vaccine, presenting the closest vaccination points and showing the size of the queue at each of the vaccination points

  • Zelo
    Zelo(Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brasil)


    We developed a webapp for the startup Zelo.

  • Popular Market
    Juiz de Fora City Hall(Juiz de Fora/MG - Brazil)

    Popular Market

    Open-source solution to solve feeding problems on COVID-19 quarantine

  • Hospital bed management
    Juiz de Fora City Hall(Brazil)

    Hospital bed management

    A direct to point approach to support city town hall to handle hospital occupation on pandemic times.

  • More Coupons
    Bernardo Almeida(Brazil)

    More Coupons

    Discounts on various establishments, whether for consuming products and services from companies, loyalty programs, or prizes through raffles.

  • Willim Airports
    Sama Environmental Solutions(Brazil)

    Willim Airports

    App used in airports to help biologists in controlling data and avoiding aviational accidents

  • Blockchain
    Antonio Hoffert(Brazil)


    Blockchain for managing payments and deliveries confirmation

  • Only drivers
    Only Drivers(Brazil)

    Only drivers

    App to hire the best drivers of your town to drive your own car for you.

  • Fibratech Expert
    Fibratech Gyms(Brazil)

    Fibratech Expert

    System to make it simpler to find and convert more people into new clients

  • Go Diamond
    Go Diamond(Brazil)

    Go Diamond

    App for beauty product salespeople from Hinode to keep track of their leads from first contact until they complete the sale

  • UFJF - That is the question!

    UFJF - That is the question!

    An interactive quiz game for students interested in the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) to get more information

  • Low Carb App
    Dr. Turi Souza(Brazil)

    Low Carb App

    Low Carb is your direct guide to the latest low carb diets and manners, as well as intermittent fasting so you can start losing weight immediately

Internal projects

Projects developed with the intent of studying, training new employees or just for fun.
  • Roadmap


    Roadmap is a web-based application designed to be a team knowledge management tool and an information library.

  • WhatsApp Visit Card

    WhatsApp Visit Card

    Rapidly generate a greeting message for WhatsApp

  • Good Burger

    Good Burger

    Ranks the best burger shops in town with a lightweight and practical web app

  • Task Masters

    Task Masters

    A system with GitLab and Hubstaff integrations to track the work of all of the company's team members

  • Programmers in Juiz de Fora

    Programmers in Juiz de Fora

    White-label platform for companies to hire developers in Juiz de Fora

  • Going Up

    Going Up

    An app to give people an incentive towards using stairs by rewarding people for going up and down flights of stairs